[Complete] ams2-c6-1 Maintenance

We need to perform routine maintenance on our ams2-c6-1 Direct Admin server.

Impacted services: All website, email and DNS services hosted on ams2-c6-1.

You will be unable to access any website or DirectAdmin.

You will be unable to download new mail, reply to existing emails or send new emails. Unless you are using SpamTitan spam filtering, new mail should be held by the sender’s mail server and they should try to deliver it again later. There may be a short delay as how often delivery is retried is determined by the sender’s mail server.

DNS is replicated off-site so DNS queries will continue to resolve during this period but DNS record changes will not be possible.

Estimated start time: 4th April 2020, 21:00 UK (BST)
Estimated time of completion: 4th April 2020, 22:00 UK (BST)

UPDATE 4th April 2020 21:00 UK: This scheduled maintenance is now in progress.

UPDATE 4th April 2020 21:15 UK: This scheduled maintenance is now complete.

Please contact support@anu.net if you have any queries relating to this maintenance.

[Complete] Hosted Email Maintenance

We need to perform routine maintenance on our mail.anu.net Hosted Email platform.

Impacted services: All email accounts on our mail.anu.net Hosted Email platform. You will be unable to download new mail, reply to existing emails or send new emails.

The vast majority of our clients are using our SpamTitan spam filtering solution and all new mail will be queued for delivery in SpamTitan.

For the handful of clients who are not using SpamTitan, the sender’s mail server should hold the mail and try to deliver it again later. There may be a short delay as how often delivery is retried is determined by the sender’s mail server.

Estimated start time: 5th April 2020, 21:00 UK (BST)
Estimated time of completion: 5th April 2020, 22:00 UK (BST)

UPDATE 6th April 2020 02:55 UK: This maintenance work has just begun. Apologies for the delay on this.

UPDATE 6th April 2020 03:25 UK: This maintenance work is now complete. Once again, apologies for the delay.

Please contact support@anu.net if you have any queries relating to this maintenance.

18 years of hardware history

Some of the servers that we decommission we keep for spare parts or potential reuse. Most of it has gathered dust over the years.

Today we spent the morning cleaning out a storage locker we maintain in a secure storage facility opposite our Amsterdam 2 datacenter in the Netherlands

In total we cleared out:
– 47 x Rack-mount servers
– 137 x 3.5″ SATA and SAS HDDs
– 5 x Remote controlled Power Distribution Units
– 1 x Rack-mount KVM over IP
– 2 x External FireWire HDDs
– A lot of rails
– 1 x Apple Mac G4 tower
– 2 x Large boxes of obsolete CAT-5 Ethernet, power and KVM cables
  – 3 x 19″ shelves

Thanks go to the professionals at it-recycling who took the lot to their secure facility for correct disposal in line with current legislation and environmental best practices. All hard drives will be shredded into confetti size pieces in their unique shredding machine.